


As a frontline manager, your vision for the sector is important.

Think about your current situation:

  • What are some characteristics of the workforce that could be improved (e.g. level of training, type of employment, general expectations of support work)?
  • Can you describe worker behaviours that regularly cause problems?
  • Are there participant needs for which there are no ready solutions?

What would a more professional workforce look like?

  • What extra benefits would it offer participants? How would it affect levels of:
    • risk
    • participation and control
    • focus on goals
  • How would the worker’s role change? Think about:
    • benefits to workers
    • added responsibilities
    • demands and stress levels 
  • How would the manager’s role change? Think about:
    • reduced or added tasks
    • demands and stress levels
    • change in status or perception of role

What do your workers think about greater professionalisation? What does it look like?

What does that mean for your role as a manager? How does their vision work with your vision?


Consider the strategies offered in this chapter (under WHAT CAN MANAGERS DO?). Some will appeal to you, some won’t. Ask yourself why they don’t appeal:

  • Because I don’t have that kind of relationship with staff.
  • I can’t have that kind of relationship with workers (structural issues)
  • That kind of strategy doesn’t suit my personality or management style.

What are you missing out on by not using those strategies?

What can you do about it?



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