NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce Recommendations

The NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce was tasked with providing advice on a single recommendation of the NDIS Review. Their report is 117 pages long. For providers, their recommendations raise almost as many questions as they answer. Here’s what you need to know.  Some supports will be affected more than others. Some sooner than others. We discuss recommended changes…

research piling up when becoming an ndis provider
Becoming an NDIS provider: where do I start?

How to become an NDIS service provider

Updated June 2024 Do you want to become an NDIS provider? There are still opportunities to make a difference in your life and your community. With so many types of NDIS supports to deliver, there’s got to be something to suit your qualifications and experience. You can operate as a sole-trader, pool resources in a partnership, or start a registered…

Your next move? For unregistered NDIS providers.
Maybe it's time to think outside the box?


The NDIS Review recommends big changes for unregistered NDIS providers. They’ll be required to register as early as 2026. So, would it be better to register your NDIS business early? Or wait? This post will help you think strategically — whether you’re looking to start out, want to grow your existing unregistered business, or have simply been putting off registering…


NDIS Review: What does it mean for you?

What does the NDIS Review Report mean for your NDIS provider organisation? Although it’s early days, and although they’re just recommendations, we can already predict some reforms with certainty — using a risk-based analysis. Some recommendations are essential — that is, they MUST happen. From there, we can analyse other reforms. So, what changes are highly likely in the short…


Prepare for NDIS Mid-Term and Renewal Audits: 5 Key Areas

What’s the best way to prepare for NDIS mid-term and renewal audits? Start by thinking about what audits aim to achieve. That’s the outcomes listed in the NDIS Practice Standards. There are a lot of them — too many to think about at one time. It’s always helpful to simplify, so we’ve identified five key area to focus on when…


Managing stress on the NDIS frontline

Can Quality Management help manage workplace stress and prevent burnout? It depends. Quality can address some major causes of stress — but it’s not magic.  If Quality isn’t supported by the organisational culture, it can be hard to get started. You need as many people onside as possible. Luckily, that's what good managers do. This article offers some strategies (it's…


5 Reasons to think about ILO Management

Thinking of setting up an NDIS Individualised Living Options (ILO) project? We suggest you think again — consider what you need to manage an ILO. And set up a suitable management system before starting the project. Here’s five reasons to think about NDIS ILO management — and news about a whole-of-project ILO toolkit. 1. NDIS ILOs are long-term supports All…

combatting risk takes planning
Have we finally learned the importance of risk management?

A lesson in Risk Management for NDIS providers.

According to an ABC news story, a Victorian abattoir avoided a coronavirus outbreak after a contagious inspector visited their facility. The headline reads: “Meatworks may have dodged bullet by ignoring official advice.” While there’s some truth in that, ignoring advice doesn’t avoid problems. Here's what actually happened: the meatworks took responsibility for managing risk. NDIS providers need to do the…

NDIS Audits can be a puzzle.
NDIS Audits can be a puzzle.


The NDIS Quality and compliance system can seem confusing. And then there's audits! We hope this FAQ sheet will help clear things up a little. What are the NDIS Practice Standards? The NDIS Practice Standards are the standards against which NDIS providers are audited, with different ‘Modules’ to encompass the variety of services provided in the NDIS marketplace. The Standards…

Tip: Make sure there's tasks on your list before ticking things off!
Tip: Make sure there's tasks on your list before ticking things off!

NDIS Compliance and Quality Management

Quality Management is a business philosophy that became influential in the last half of the twentieth century. The NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework is grounded in the business philosophy called (Total) Quality Management (TQM). Many TQM principles are built into the NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators. Providers who understand Quality Management techniques will likely find NDIS compliance easier. This…